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When the Rain Comes…
The rivers are up and the lakes are full. Summer is almost here! FlashBack will soon be appearing again. Next week at Bear’s Place. June 4th. We hope to see all ya’alls there!

Mojo’s This Saturday!
Let’s stay warm and party this Saturday at Mojo’s! Hot pizza, cold beverages, and Dancing. Winter time is upon us and Spring is just around the corner.

FlashBack George’s Friday!
Be There Or Be Square! A beautiful Summer Evening not to be missed. We look forward to seeing you at George’s this Friday for Happy Hours. Bring a friend and your Dancing shoes and let the Good Times Roll!

FlashBack At George’s
Come Make Some Noise! FlashBack is back at George’s Majestic Lounge. High Summer and Chill Times. We Love seeing all you smilin’ dancin’ folks. July 21, 7-9. Bring on the good time Summer Nights!

Jam Time!
Carolyn & the “3 Ms” – Melody, Morty & Marc will be at bear’s Place 10/8! Bring an instrument & jam with us! FlashBack takes a break and Carolyn & the “3 M’s” will take over in their stead. It will be a delightful evening of entertainment for your listening pleasure. Please come out and…

FlashBack Friday Bear’s
FlashBack Friday We are thrilled to play this Friday at Bear’s Place. It will be a cool summer night with a near full Moon shining. No cover, cold drink and hot food. Summertime is FlashBack Time. We hope to see you there!