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FlashBack is Back!
Back 2 Back While it’s still SummerTime FlashBack is back to celebrate at Bear’s Place Friday September 15, 6-9 and Jammin’ Java Saturday Morning September 16, 9-12. So whether you are a night being or a morning one we have you covered!

Calling All Bear People
Bear Clan Dance Summer is here and it’s time for dancin’ in the tweets! Bear’s Place is cool and the beer is cold. The dance floor is ready and waiting for the bearfoot dancers. FlashBack is warmed up and ready to go! Let’s Rock!

FlashBack at George’s
FlashBack at George’s May 20th We are looking forward to returning to George’s Majestic Lounge this Friday, May 20th, 7-9. It’s going to be so Far Out to see our Friends groovin’ the night away. Here’s to Spring and Good Times!

Had a Blast at George’s!
Had a Blast at George’s! Thank you to all ya all’s for coming on down to George’s Majestic Lounge and making for a very Wonderful Special night for us. Seeing the sea of dancing singing folks is just what one needs on a Winters night!

FlashBack at George’s Majestic Lounge
FlashBack at George’s Majestic Lounge FlashBack looks forward to playing at George’s next Friday the 15th. We’ll be in the front room from 7-9. Bring your friends and your dancing shoes, and I bet you will remember the words to most of our tunes!

FlashBack at Teatro Scarpino! It’s Retro Thursday at Teatro Scarpino this week, January 26th. We look forward to help launch their new dance night. Happy Hours, Dance Lessons, DJ’s and Us! Wanna come? We’ll see you there.