FlashBack Live at Bear’s!
Yes, you heard that right, we will be at Bear’s Place Thursday the 17th of April, 6-9pm.
Would love to see your smiling, flashing faces!
Yes, you heard that right, we will be at Bear’s Place Thursday the 17th of April, 6-9pm.
Would love to see your smiling, flashing faces!
George’s Majestic Friday FlashBack Come join us for Friday FlashBack at George’s! We will be playing this Friday Happy Hour 7-9. A beautiful Fall evening is in store so let’s boogie on down to Dickson and have a big time!
FlashBack Summer Begins At Bear’s The Season is upon us and we are looking forward to a warm Summer Evening of Music at Bear’s Place July 13th is the date, 6-9 is the time and we hope to see you there!
It’s Still Fall, Let’s Rock! Do ya need an excuse to warm up? Come Dance with us tonight at Bear’s. We’ll be looking for you!
Back 2 Back While it’s still SummerTime FlashBack is back to celebrate at Bear’s Place Friday September 15, 6-9 and Jammin’ Java Saturday Morning September 16, 9-12. So whether you are a night being or a morning one we have you covered!
Bear’s Place Bring on the night with FlashBack at Bear’s this Thursday. The weather is perfect, the beer is cold and the bbq is great! Oh, and did I mention there will be music?
As Spring approaches so does FlashBack. We look forward to seeing you all soon at Mojo’s. In the meantime plant some flower-power and good vibes!