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Veterans Outreach Benefit
We are so pleased to have been asked to play for the Fayetteville VA Hospital Outreach programs for Veterans Benefit. It will be Saturday, August 1 at the White Star Tavern at 3000 S. School Ave. Bring donations of cash or items that are listed on the link below. This is a very worthwhile cause and…

Party WeekEnd, FlashBack Style!
FlashBack will be Partying Hardy this weekend with a Christmas Party and a Solstice Party. As we get our Groove on we look forward to seeing you next month at Bear’s and George’s. Check our schedule for dates. Stay warm and Happy Holidays from us to all ya’ alls!
Hello and Thanks!
FlashBack Loves Playing In The Park! A hot afternoon turns into a cool night! We were very impressed with how many folks turned out for the Summer Concert Series. What a great thing the City and Sponsors put together for Fayetteville! We hope you can catch the last one August 4th featuring Effron White. A…
FlashBack Reduced Jam Night at Bear’s
Once again because of schedule conflicts FlashBack’s Carolyn will be hosting an Open Jam Night at Bear’s Place this Thursday, 6-9. We hope you can come by for a tune or two in the relaxed casual way. FlashBack has a couple of private Parties next week to usher in the new Season. Soon we will…
Summer Night At George’s
Thanks everyone who came out and danced and sang with us at George’s this weekend. We’ve waited over a year for a night like this. Photos by Peggy