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At the Corner of Spring and FlashBack
See You at the Corner of Spring and FlashBack Between the Redbud and Dogwood is where you will lately find the sounds of FlashBack. Like so many of us we are thrilled that Spring has come and look forward to our next outing. Water for the Garden and Music for the Soul.

Like a Summer With a Thousand Julys
The Endless Summer of FlashBack Our July Summer Tour was complete with the Library Concert. We now move into a Sleepy, Hazy August. Dog days indeed! Here’s hoping you all have a Great Endless Summer. We will have one engagement this month. August 11 at Bear’s Place. Then in September things fire up again. Stay tuned….

Where Will You See Them Next?
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Summer Night At George’s
Thanks everyone who came out and danced and sang with us at George’s this weekend. We’ve waited over a year for a night like this. Photos by Peggy

Veterans Outreach Benefit
We are so pleased to have been asked to play for the Fayetteville VA Hospital Outreach programs for Veterans Benefit. It will be Saturday, August 1 at the White Star Tavern at 3000 S. School Ave. Bring donations of cash or items that are listed on the link below. This is a very worthwhile cause and…

Dance Free, Dance Local, Happy 4th!
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